Spikenard Anointing Oil
Spikenard Anointing Oil
Spikenard; “A Brides beauty is praised,”…
In Song of Solomon 1v 12 & 4v13,14,15 your plants are an orchard of pleasant fruits, Fragrants of Spikenard, calamus, cinnamon, Frankincense, & Myrrh and aloes, with all the chief spices- A fountain of gardens A well of living waters
The breaking of the Alabaster box , In John 12v1-8 Mary took a pound of very costly, expensive oil spikenard anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair and the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil.
Mark 14 v 3 & John 12 v 3. Spikenard anointing oil has a strong aroma and is a costly “SPICE” which comes from a very rare plant and is used for anointing acts of consecration, dedication, and worship. The word Spikenard in Hebrew means; light and in Greek means pure and sacred.
Exodus 30 v 30 “You shall anoint,” Them that they may minister to me…
Anointing Oil