Will You Help Us Pay it Forward?

“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” -Malachi 3:10


When you sow into Threshing Floor Ministries you are sowing into the end time harvest of souls.  Spirits are awakened and gifts and callings are activated in the body of Christ . They are ignited and empowered with the fire of the Holy Spirit.

The altars of prayer are erected and the encounter with God is restored in their lives. Through this they are equipped to stand on the firm foundation of Christ and gain an everlasting intimate relationship with God to carry them through their race.

They are sent out as laborers into the harvest as the instruments of God that he has called them to be. Because the healings, and miracles that result from the presence of God and His glory, countless lives will never be the same. By sowing into this work of the Lord, you are making it possible to see this move of God not only sustained, but to take it to new ground and spread like wild fire. You’re truly sowing into His glory.

Could there be anything more valuable?


Sign-Up to Become a Monthly Partner

Consider partnering with us by sowing into Revival on monthly basis to help thrust the glory of God forward into all of California over the next 90 days, across the US and into the nations. 

For the first 50 partners to commit to $100 or more monthly gift will recieve a ($20 size) bottle of Frankincense Throne Room Anointing Oil, prayed over and anointed by the Holy Spirit.